Hello there! 👋 I’m Ann, thanks for dropping by. I’m a creative coder and empathetic communicator with a boundless curiosity! My windy career path includes programming marine navigational software for cargo ships in the Netherlands 🚢 and teaching computer science at a diverse public high school in sunny Pasadena, CA 👩🏻‍🏫.

  • 🌎 I grew up in southeast Alaska and currently call New Hampshire home.
  • 🛼 I love learning new things: my latest is roller skating! I’m VERY bad, but I’m trying and it’s fun!
  • ⛵ A few of my random interests include tall ships, old books and maps, ghost stories, and broadside ballads.

Teaching and Coding Fun

I crafted the curriculum for a four-year computer science pathway and taught every level from freshmen to seniors (which included AP Computer Science Principles). Designing and teaching fun, engaging projects was a blast, and it was so amazing to see what my students created!


I love doodling and making art! You can see some of it here.